$6/ month daily strength training with BonSchroGO!


How do I view the workouts?

After you have logged in, on you acccount page at the top is a large button that says 'BONSCHRO-GO'. Just press that and you're good to go.

I still can't see the workouts. What's wrong?

Could be a few things. If you didn't make an account with the same email as you purchased the subscription with you won't be able to access you subscription. If you input incorrect card information, that could also cause you not to be able to view your subscription. It's easiest to contact support if you've entered incorrect information so we can get you up and running ASAP.

What weights do I use for workouts if it doesn't say?

Go with how you feel! It's a learning process just like anything new you start doing. If you are just starting and something says "go heavier" don't let this stop you. Start with a certain weight and if it's too easy, go up. If it's too much to start, lighten the load and make that heavier weight your short-term goal. There is a huge range of people that Bonschro-Go caters to so giving a specific weight on certain exercises would be difficult.

Why can't I view the exercise library?

The exercise library is an exclusive feature for Bonschro-Go members. If you are a Bonschro-Go member and are not able to view the library, then please contact support so we can get you sorted.

What if I don't have the equipment for the exercise?

Make sure to read the description under each of the exercises. Bonnie will list different variations you can do if you don't have the equipment on hand.

When do I rest?

Take rest days as needed! There are workout options everyday cause everyone is on a different schedule. The workout for the day is always up for an extra day before it disappears (ex. workout for 4/4 is up on 4/4 and 4/5). Listen to you body and take days off when you need them.

How do I manage/cancel my subscription?

You can cancel Bonschro-GO at any time!

Login to your account > On your account page, click the 'MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS" button > Click the 'EDIT' on your active subscription > Scroll to the bottom of the list and click 'Cancel subscription' > Follow the prompts and confirm your cancelation

After that you're all set!